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  • Why Silver Jewelry Is Better Than Other Forms Of Jewelry

    There are tons of materials out there that manufacturers use for making jewelry. Clearly, the price of your jewelry is proportionate to the raw material used for manufacturing it. But in this industry, people often debate over one major issue, which is the clash between Sterling Silver and Stainless Steel. The debate continues to fight on due to the fact that the preference for these metals lies in the grey area. This is because both metal compounds have similar behaviors, appearance, and ability. Such that both are shiny, strong, and the ability of immunity against corroding. However, some may choose Stainless Steel over Sterling silver due to its low cost. This is why many famous fashion-retailers chose this material to manufacture their jewelry in high bulk. While some companies would choose Stainless steel to manufacture every usage such as utensils due to its high durability factor. Unarguably, Stainless Steel wins over this part of the industry, but when it comes to valuable hand-craft jewelry, I have to give it to Sterling Silver, and this is why... 1. You Want To Feel Free While Wearing Your Jewelry Sterling Silver is much lighter than Stainless Steel. When it comes to wearing your jewelry, especially bracelets and necklace, you would not want to wear something that weighs you down the entire day. Therefore, by wearing a Sterling Silver made jewelry, you would just feel like you are wearing feathers. 2. Shine Like A Diamond Sterling Silver shines brighter when compared with Stainless Steel. When you want that piece to reflect the highest amount of light that shines onto it, you have to choose Sterling Silver. Nevertheless, since it is made from silver, Sterling Silver can tarnish and requires jewelry care to restore its beauty. Please check out Jewellery Land for jewelry care products.

  • Things You Need To Know Before Buying Silver Jewelry

    With the increase in demand for clean energy across the globe, people started to look for an alternative source of energy such as the usage of solar energy. As a result, there is a rise in demand for solar panels to be manufactured. Clearly, these energy panels’ raw materials prices skyrocketed as well, one of them being silver. Silver price has risen exponentially since 2000, with more than 400% increase. The current price for silver is $26.11 per ounce, when it was just $6.37 per ounce in 2001. Consequently, silver buyers have to take further consideration into how to take care of their precious metal. The arch enemy of silver unquestionably is sulfur, the factor that creates tarnish on your silver jewelry. This element exists in many forms, from being a gas in natural air to compounds like our sweat that secretes from our body. This is the reason why many silver retailers wear gloves when touching their product. The following are ways I want to introduce to you on how to protect your silver from being destroyed by sulfur. 1. Toothpaste & Warm Water Put your silver into a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes Follow by applying toothpaste onto the ornaments and use your finger to gently rub the tarnish off. If that tarnish does not come off, try using a toothbrush instead of your finger to rub your silver. 2. Baking Soda Things you need for this procedure- Aluminum Foil Boiling Water 1 Cup of Baking Soda 1 Cup of Salt Soft Cloth Cover your chosen container with the aluminum foil Pour boiling water into the container Add 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of salt into the water Place the silver that has been tarnished into the solution Allow the piece to soak in the solution for 30 minutes or more depending on the result. Remove the item when cool and dry it with the soft cloth 3. I Am A Scientist If you have an ultrasonic machine you should be professional at cleaning your silver. Nevertheless, if you happen to have the machine but do not know how to use it, start off by filling the machine container with clean water up to the specific level, according to the guidance of the machine brand. Turn on the machine and wait for the tarnish to magically disappear from the jewelry. Yes! It is that easy. 4. Cleaning Products That Instantly Clean Those Tarnish At Jewellery Land, they offer various products including coated cleaning cloths, silver instant dip, and silver care polisher liquid. These products are manufactured from well-known companies across the world, and used by professionals in this industry. Promising Review: “By using only a small amount of this liquid on a piece of cloth, you can remove all the yellow coats with only one wipe” Get it from Jewellery Land for starting price at 15THB

  • Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!

    We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your Wix Blog. Blogging from Your Wix Blog Dashboard On the dashboard, you have everything you need to manage your blog in one place. You can create new posts, set categories and more. To head to your Dashboard, open the Wix Editor and click on Blog > Posts. Blogging from Your Published Site Did you know that you can blog right from your published website? After you publish your site, go to your website’s URL and login with your Wix account. There you can write and edit posts, manage comments, pin posts and more! Just click on the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) to see all the things you can do. #bloggingtips #WixBlog

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  • Press | jewelleryland

    13-8-2558 18-20-29.jpg 13-8-2558 18-18-40.jpg 13-8-2558 18-12-07.jpg 13-8-2558 18-20-29.jpg 1/5 © 2015 by JEWELLERY LAND

  • SIZE GUIDE | jewelleryland

    SIZE GUIDE 101 LEARN HOW TO KNOW WHICH JEWELRY SIZE IS PERFECT FOR YOUR BODY RING SIZE GUIDE The ideal size for your ring should be able to fit comfortably on your finger while also being snug enough that it does not accidentally fall off. Aside from accurately measuring your ring size at your local jeweler, this article will show how you can achieve your ring size at home by following these steps below: If you are unable to resize the diagram freely from this webpage, we advise that you download the PDF file ---> which is set to the size of ‘A4 paper’ and all the diagrams set at their correct size. A. DIAMETER METHOD - Ring size is determined by the inner diameter of the ring. Thus, we have provided you with a ring size circles diagram below for measuring your exact ring size. Please follow the instruction for accurate measurement: 1. Print out the diagram below or zoom in on this webpage for whichever device you are on, and make sure the measurement below the ring picture matches the real-world length by using a ruler as a reference. For instance, the line under ring “size 3” should be exactly 14 mm or 1.4 cm. If you chose to zoom in on this webpage instead of the printing method, please make sure to not accidentally zoom out while doing the measurement. 2. Find a ring that you already have and fits comfortably on your finger. 3. Place the ring over the diagram to match the nearest circle size with the inside of your ring. 4. If the ring size falls between the two sizes, we would advise you to choose the larger size. B. CIRCUMFERENCE METHOD - This method determines the ring size by using the circumference of your finger. The finger size strip below will aid you in this measurement. Please follow the steps below to achieve the ring size: 1. Print out the ring size strip diagram below Make sure to match the length ratio of the diagram with the real-world measurement. In this case, the length between line A and line B must be 3.5 inches or 8.9 cm. Or you can download the PDF file below, which is set to the size of "A4 paper" and the strip at its correct size. 2. Carefully cut the diagram out, as well as, the slit inside the strip at the left end. 3. Wrap the strip around the finger you wish to measure with the scale facing upwards as shown in the diagram Fig. 2. 4. Pull the narrow end through the slit until the strip fits snugly on your finger. Make sure that the strip can MOVE THROUGH the widest part of the finger, such as the KNUCKLE. 5. The number that lines up with the slit represents your finger ring size circumference as shown in Fig. 1. TIPS AND TRICKS FOR ACCURATE MEASUREMENT Avoid measuring cold fingers as this is when fingers are at their smallest size. Measure your finger in warm temperatures at the end of the day. TIPS AND TRICKS FOR BUYING RINGS AS A SURPRISE Find out from a reliable source; friend, parent, etc. what the intended recipient’s ring/finger size is. Borrow your intended recipient’s best-fitted ring and find out the ring size by using the above-mentioned diameter method. Engagement and wedding rings are traditionally worn on the ring finger on the left hand. The ring finger is located between the little finger and the middle finger. NECKLACE LENGTH GUIDE Necklaces and neck chains can be worn in different lengths and styles. Try to choose the length and style of the necklace or neck chain based on neck size, personality, and clothing. After you found out your neck circumference size, see below for the style you want and add the number of the style (eg. 12 for The Collar) to your neck circumference size. Please see the diagrams below to choose different styles of lengths that fit you the most: DOWNLOAD The Collar: 12 to 13 Inches Collar necklaces are worn closely around the neck and can consist of multiple strands. This type of necklace looks nice with V-necks, boat necks, and off–the–shoulder clothing. The Choker: 14 to 16 Inches A Choker has a very classic as well as a versatile look and falls around the base of the neck. Chokers look beautiful on all types of clothing or neckline. The Princess: 17 to 19 Inches The Princess is the most popular necklace length and falls just below the throat. It lies between choker and matinee length. A pendant can also be added for a bold and eye-catching look. Princess necklaces look beautiful in all types of attire. The Matinee: 20 to 24 Inches Matinee style also offers one of the most popular necklace lengths and it comes in between princess and opera length. Matinee necklaces look stunning in casual or business attire. The Opera: 30 to 36 Inches Opera necklaces come in lengths that range from 30 to 36 inches long. You can wear this as a single or double strand. It is perfect for high or crew necklines and is very complimentary, especially to evening wear. The Rope: 40 to 45+ Inches A Rope necklace comes in the longest length and it has a different and dramatic look. A rope necklace looks elegant on most any type of clothing. This necklace can be transformed into a multi-strand necklace and when worn with strands of graduated lengths, it is known as a bib necklace. BRACELET SIZE GUIDE Bracelets can be worn in different sizes, similar to necklaces, bracelet has three levels of fitness. These are perfect fit, comfortable fit, and loosely fit. Please take into consideration when measuring your wrist circumference. 👰🏼♀️ LADIES 🤵🏻♂️ GENTLEMEN Size XS S M L XS S M L Wrist Size or Inner Circumference 15cm - 16cm 16.5cm - 17cm 17cm - 18cm 18cm - 18.5cm 18cm - 18.5cm 19cm 19.5cm - 20cm 20.5cm - 22cm or 5'.9" - 6'.3" or 6'.5" - 6'.7" or 6'.7" - 7'.1" or 7'.1" - 7'.3" or 7'.1" - 7'.3" or 7'.5" or 7'.7" - 7'.9" or 8'.1" - 8'.7" Size Description Suitable for very delicate wrists Fits small wrists Standard size For a firmer women's wrist Fits a small men's wrist Standard size men's wrist For a firmer men's wrist For a very large men's wrist LAST WORDS... Nevertheless, if you have any problems with the measuring procedure, feel free to contact us at the chatbox or email us at j

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